Welcome to 2022! Kid in the Corner is excited to start this new year off with the addition of a new, monthly newsletter! We strive to bring you content that is relevant to t
he organization that will keep you, our supporters, up to date on what we are up to. We have
had a successful school year this far! We have touched over 2,700 students with our expanded Penny Pledge programming, held a viewing of the film Not Alone, and connected many community members with critical resources. COVID permitting we are scheduled to visit even more schools this semester and are looking forward to our first annual Shatter the Stigma Gala on March 12, 2022.
We hope to see you there!
This month’s kindness theme is, “kindness begins with me.” For me personally, not only does it mean being kind to myself, but also means modeling the behavior that I want to see in others.
Sending supportive messages to friends, being there for family members that need me, and showing kindness to strangers out in the community. Before speaking or acting, I try to ask myself “is this kind”?
This year, I started a “gratitude spreadsheet”. I decided typical new year goals weren’t what I really wanted to focus on this year. I didn’t want to reach a destination, instead I wanted to set a daily practice that would become a habit. My daily column includes:
Three things I am grateful for today
One great thing that happened today
One intentional act of kindness I performed today
Any obstacles I encountered and how I overcame them
It hasn’t even been a month yet, but I find it fun to look at all the things I am grateful for and all the kind things I have done. I hope you can find a way to “up your kindness game” this year too, because if we want to see a kinder world then we have to be the change.